The torta caprese originates from the island of Capri off Southern Italy and is a flourless and yeast-free dessert, made up of almonds and dark chocolate. There...
Carbonara is a popular recipe of Roman origin: this dish is quick and easy to prepare. First, equip yourself with fresh and quality ingredients: pasta, eggs, ag...
Taste and tradition come together in this simple but effective recipe: potato gnocchi, with a delicate dressing of butter and marjoram which together with boile...
Homemade ravioli , using fresh pasta! Making fresh pasta at home isn't hard, just choose top quality ingredients and follow these steps. Once ready, it will...
Spinach and ricotta cannelloni , made with fresh egg pasta, are a tasty first course, an alternative to those filled with meat. They are perfect to serve for a ...
Basil pesto is a cold sauce whose basic ingredient is basil. It has always been the pride of Ligurian cuisine and is appreciated everywhere. The secret to obtai...